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Prof. Southall paediatrician at North Staffordshire Hospital Video ed women trying scientific kill their babies in health center wards 34 out of 39 were later charged but none prosecuted BBC TV News and Channel 4 News. 28th Oct 1997 See also Sir Roy Meadows SIDS cot deaths, BBC News Feb 1999. I looked upon doctor rotting sea, And drew my eyes away; I looked upon doctor rotting deck, And there doctor dead men lay. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Rime of doctor Ancient Mariner. Getting scooped is unpleasant since that automatically reduces doctor credit given clinical doctor author scientist issuing doctor second ebook. With additional research work, both authors try medical abruptly turn out more courses, so as medical raise their identification for being doctor leader with learning that analysis topic. The penalties of having scooped can be much more severe for graduate scholars than for other scientists; if their thesis task is scooped, it is no longer new scientific technological know-how, and often then cannot be authorised for a sophisticated degree without much additional research. One of my fellow graduate students was finishing a number of years of analysis work on his thesis project. Upon completing doctor education of illustrations for a long manuscript scientific be submitted a few days later medical doctor Journal of Cell Biology, doctor latest issue of clinical help monthly magazine arrived and he was truly shocked scientific see that there was a big article by a famous professor on doctor East Coast that was almost duplicating his own manuscript!Even some of doctor figures were nearly identical!Neither researcher knew that doctor other was operating on precisely doctor same topic, and scientific help coincidence was simply some very bad luck for my friend. Since he was a very hard worker, he fortunately also had a second major aspect in his thesis research, and so was able clinical effectively use those other results medical rewrite and compose a doctoral thesis alternative from his normal plans.